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Dixie products

Hi Everyone!

Well, I finally got my Dixie order (except for the vlf peanut butter, which
is backordered), and now I'm at a loss as to what to do with it!  I have
heard the whole range here, from "love it" to "hate it" to "cook it for a
long time".  I got the "chicken" strips, though they look more like big
chunks to me, creme it, and the "chicken" salad mix.  Do I follow the
directions on the package, or cook 'em and soak 'em overnight?  Anyone have
any recipes/ideas (other than stir fry and fajitas) for the "chicken"
strips?  I'm going to make the salad over the weekend and eat it for lunch
next week (if it turns out good).  I really want to make this as good as I
can, 'cause my husband is already skeptical.  Ooh, I also got the soy mayo
. . . has anyone tried this before?  Is it any good?


Christine Ingle
Penn State University
Dept. of Veterinary Sciences
103 Henning Building
University Park, PA  16802
(814) 863-8527

check out my new homepage!!  http://www.personal.psu.edu/cxi3
