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Black rice pudding

Greg Johnson recently posted a recipe for black rice pudding stating,
"...It looks amazing, is free from added fat, is healthy and 
absolutely delicious..." The recipe calls for 1/2 cup coconut (not to
mention the coconut milk drizzled over the top of the finished product).

 From the FDA Nutritional Database that Michelle has kindly put on the
Fatfree Web site (for 1 cup): 
Coconut Meat, Raw: 1 C SHRDDED OR GRATD = 80.00 gm
81.2% Cals from fat, 3.7% Cals from protein, 15.1% Cals from carbs.
Total lipid (fat)       Gms :   33.490
Total saturated fat     Gms :   29.698 
Ttl monounsaturated fat Gms :    1.425
Ttl polyunsaturated fat Gms :    0.366

So please do not think you're getting a fat-free dish from a recipe that
calls for 1/2 cup shredded fresh coconut. 

