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three-color-pate recipe

Date:    Sat, 08 Jan 94 17:46:07 EST
 From:    Cindy_Bloch@transarc.com
 3-color Pate
 Adapted from the Spinach Torte recipe in the "No Salt No Sugar No Fat
 Yield: 2 little loaves (individual loaf pans, I think they're 3x5?).
 Double the recipe to make one regular loaf, and bake it for closer to
 an hour.
 	1 1/2 C chopped onion
 	2 cloves garlic, minced
 	1/2 C veggie stock
 	1 1/2 C sliced mushrooms
 	2 egg whites or 1 egg worth of egg replacer
 		(I think I used 2 eggs worth of egg replacer and it
 		 seemed too stiff; I ended up adding more stock)
 	1/4 tsp. celery seed
 	1/8 tsp. pepper
 	1/2 C breadcrumbs
 	1 bag of spinach (that's about a lb, right?)
 	1/2 lb. cauliflower
 	1/2 lb. carrots
 Cook onions and garlic in stock until tender.  Add mushrooms and cook
 2-3 more minutes or until most of the liquid has evaporated.  Cool.
 Place in blender with spices and egg stuff and blend.
 Wash the spinach, and cook for 2-3 minutes in the pan that cooked the
 onions.  Steam the cauliflower and carrots; mash them seperately.
 Combine spinach, 1/3 mushroom mixture, 1/3 breadcrumbs.  Repeat with
 cauliflower and carrots, keeping them seperate.  (I also add some salt
 here; the cauliflower and carrots seem to need it.)
 Put the 3 mixtures in the loaf pan(s) in whatever order you want to
 see the colored layers.  Bake at 350 for 30-40 minutes, until it's
 firm.  Serve hot or cold.
 kwvegan vegan