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matar-paneer recipe

Date:    Fri, 10 Mar 95 09:40:48 CST
 From:    cgibas@cysteine.ncsa.uiuc.edu (Cynthia Gibas)
 matar paneer (vegan)
 Paneer is soft white 'farmer' cheese that is commonly used in India.  I 
 substituted reduced-fat White Wave tofu, and it takes the place of paneer very
 well.  This takes about 1/2 hour to make.
 start some rice
 cut 1 brick tofu into cubes and bake in 300 degree oven while you prepare
 1 onion (slice very thinly and saute in your favorite medium until browned)
 1 t. pressed garlic (in with the onion)
 1 c. water
 1 t. ginger
 1 T. cumin
 1 T. coriander
 1/2 t. clove
 1/4 t. methi (fenugreek)
 1 t. salt
 add spices to onion/garlic at last minute of saute.  Stir until distributed
 and then add water.  
 2 t. gram flour (chickpea flour, besan)
 enough water to make a thin, smooth paste
 add a family size package of frozen green peas to the sauce, and cook until
 dribble in the chickpea flour mixture, while stirring.  The sauce will thicken.
 1 cup of ground tomatoes or tomato puree
 juice of one lemon
 stir, adjust seasonings.
 Add tofu and simmer until it absorbs some of the seasonings.  Add more water
 if necessary.
 serve with rice
 kwvegan vegan