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fried-rice recipe

Date:    Fri, 06 Aug 93 12:54:06 EDT
 From:    Lucinda Rasmussen (lrasmuss@PICA.ARMY.MIL)
 One of our favorite quick (but incredibly messy) meals is "fried" brown
 rice.  I find I like it even better than the fried white rice I get at
 Chinese restaurants.  We had this last night:
 "Fried" Brown Rice
 3-4 cups leftover cooked brown rice (refrigerated overnight)
 1 tsp minced ginger
 1 tsp minsed garlic
 1 large onion, chopped
 1/2 lb mushrooms
 1 grated carrot
 a few green onions, sliced
 a handful of frozen peas
 any other compatible veggies you have in your refrigerator, chopped
 soy sauce or tamari to taste
 In a LARGE non-stick skillet, saute the ginger, garlic, onion, mushrooms
 and any other veggies that need pre-cooking for about 5 minutes.  Transfer
 to a bowl.  Dry off the bottom of the skillet, return to heat (oops, I 
 forgot the heat setting -- medium high does really well) and add rice.
 Dry fry it for a while, until some of it turns golden brown.  Then add back
 the cooked veggies, the green onions and peas.  Sprinkle with soy sauce to
 taste and mix all well.  Heat thoroughly.  Enjoy!  Then spend the rest of the
 week getting rice granules out of your stove.
 kwvegan vegan