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roast-pepper-sauce recipe

Date:    10 Mar 94 13:38:21 EST
 From:    MATRAY@bms.com
 Roast-Pepper Pasta Sauce
 1 Large Bell Pepper (I used a green one)
 1 - 2 Tablespoons Fat-Free, Plain yogurt
 Black pepper, to taste
 Sweet paprika, to taste
 some chopped chile pepper (optional)
     Roast the bell pepper (see below for a method that works for me).
 Place in a blender with the yogurt and the chile pepper, black
 pepper, and blend.  Alternatively, put in a small saucepan and blend
 with a hand-held blender.
 Heat the resulting mix in the saucepan, and pour on your pasta.  
 Sprinkle with paprika for color.  Tates great with some fat-free cheese
 melted on top!
 Roasting: put pepper under the broiler until the skin is black
 and charred.  Remember to turn the pepper to blacken both sides, and to 
 pierce it once or twice before broiling.  Place in a paper bag when done,
 fold over the top, and let sit(the pepper steams in its own skin 
 at this point).  Remove from bag and pull off all the charred skin.
 cut open and remove seeds and stem.
 kwlacto lacto