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Barley - yum!

Hi, all,

Hope you're well.  I am in the infamous heat wave of the northeastern US 
(drought emergency set for Monday) and reveling in the air conditioning but 
not the cooking.  Can't keep myself in the kitchen longer than time to set 
water boiling or chop something small.  

N. Maertens asked about barley, which is my favorite grain.  You can do so 
much with it and it has such a nice, substantial texture.  My favorite way to 
use it is half and half with wild rice (which is not really a rice but a 
grass, so you don't have to count it in your 'no rice' list), simmered in 
broth, garlic and a little hot sauce.  Add a bunch of frozen veggies and 
maybe some tofu or tvp and you have your meal.  If you'd rather have it for 
breakfast, you can cook it in juice with some dried fruit and sweetener.  I 
read a recipe once for some kind of Finnish pudding that used barley, milk 
and carrots.  I think I copied it and could possibly fish it out of my 
collection if anyone is interested - I converted it to vlf but haven't tried 

Hope that gets you started.  Stay cool!  (How IS the weather in London these 