I wrap it in a flour sack dishtowel. (Some years ago I took a couple of
large ones, cut them into quarters and hemmed them to use to wipe up
spills--cuts down on the amount of paper towels used. I use one of these
smaller pieces to wrap the tofu.) I then lay a cutting board over the
wrapped tofu and set a couple of heavy cans (canned tomatoes or the like)
or a pan filled with water on top of the cutting board. If I'm pressing a
large piece of tofu, I slice it in half lengthwise first.
Jenny Herl | "The world has enough for everyone's need,
jlherl@xxxxxxxx | but not enough for everyone's greed."
University of Illinois |
Urbana-Champaign | --attributed to Mahatma Ghandi (1869-1948)