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TVP is a soy (vegetable) product.  Unflavored textured soy protein takes on
the flavors of whatever is used to season it.  I used it for years (as a
substitute for ground beef in casseroles and bean dishes) before my husband
knew it!


(1) Dixie Diners Club.  1-800-233-3668 or www.dixiediner.com
Address:  Dixie USA Inc., P. O. Box 55549, Houston TX 77255-5549.

(2) The Mail Order Cata1og, P. O. Box 180, Summertown TN 38483,
1-800-695-2241 or www.healthy-eating.com.  Fax: 1-931-964-2291.

Many good products.  (I have no affiliation with either but have bought
from both and am pleased with their products.)  I bought one of their
cookbooks to get started but use my own spices instead of their hot peppers.